Historical monuments

     HNP is rich culturally. Ancient burials can be found in the southern slope of Hustai Mountain and around the park. At the request of HNP administration in 2000, B.Tsogtbaatar, Ya.Tserendagva and Ch.Amartuvshin -archeological experts of Mongolian Academy of Sciences- studied and reported archeological discoveries inside and outside the protected area.

     According to the report, HNP has 5 types of historical monuments:

     Rectangular grave. More than 160 rectangular graves have been recorded in the park. All belonging to Bronze Age tribes, and dating back to the 3rd or 2nd century BC.

     Sepulture grave. 19 massive sepultures were found in the south part of HNP. Most sepultures are circular and some rectangular, with 8 or 9 stones at each of corner respecting ancient burial customs.

    Ongot monuments. This is the largest recorded monument of the kind in Mongolia and central Aisa, with a collection of 30 stones. It belonged to the Turkish Empire, which ruled Mongolia in the 6th and 7th century. Two stone figures stand of: one lion shaped stone, and one sheep shaped. Additionally, 552 balbal stones stand in a line to the east. The HNP Trust is collaborating with MNET, and conserve and protect the Ongot monuments voluntarily since 2001. The Archeological Institute excavated a few monuments and moved some of them to another area in 1976 and 1978, leaving the site uncovered. The HNP Trust restored these monuments at the site and built a fence around it in 2005. A few broken stone monuments were also repaired and tightened with a special liquid glue in 2007, and the fallen balbal stones were fixed in 2009.

     Monuments. There are three other stones which have no clear shapes or design and aren’t fenced. Such stones are commonly found in Mongolia. According to researchers, these stones come from deer stone producers and date back to 2000 years BC.

     Deer stone. One Deer stone stands in the Huurai valley, and dates back to BC II, or BC I.

    Stupa ruins. Stupa ruins were found in the southwest of the park. We still don’t know their age. HNP’s research and training staff have found more monuments, recorded their GPS coordinates.